Archive for September, 2010

Running Tools products added

We’ve added another section of products; this time it’s Running Tools: the tools needed to carry, set and actuate liner equipment.

To get there, click on “Products”, then click on “Running Tools”.  Then you can select one the tools, like “Simple Running Tool” to get to that product’s page.

We’ll keep adding things, you keep on checking back to see what’s new.

Menus upgraded

Instead of adding more products, we’ve been working on improving the navigation in the menus.  Take a look at one of the “switchboard” pages you land on when you click on one of the “Products” links:

Click on “Products”, then pick one of the links to completed products pages (you won’t be able to click on pages that aren’t completed anyway), like “Liner Packers”.

Instead of a boring text-only page, you’ll be greeted with a more intuitive layout with image links and traditional links.  This way, you’ll get a preview of the tools in thumbnail versions so you can click directly on the product that interests you.

We hope it makes your visit more enjoyable, and makes it faster to get around.

Keep checking back for more additions and improvements.

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